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University of Bolton Social Feeds
University of Bolton Health & Social Care Social Feeds

University didn’t seem like an option for me until 2018 when I started doing some research and found out I am actually able to study around the profession I was practising at that time.
Health and Social Care seemed the perfect choice for me as I enjoyed my job but wanted to improve my professional aptitudes. Being able to study for my degree at the University of Bolton has been and still represents such a beautiful journey, during which I was blessed to learn many things relevant to the topics I’m interested in. I’ve also met kind colleagues and very supportive tutors. I am grateful for the opportunity I was given and would definitely recommend the University of Bolton as the best place to study.
Studying at the University of Bolton has been a positive experience for me and I still see it this way, even though the Covid-19 pandemic. The support I received throughout the whole experience has been extremely appreciated and I had been given the chance to meet friendly, helpful people, some of which I now see as my friends.
The classes are small, which allows individuals to speak up and the tutors’ support is most appreciated as they are always there to guide or advise. I’ve also been able to grasp an understanding of the multitude of opportunities this degree will be offering me following graduation and I am thankful for everyone at the University of Bolton.
My name is Ambia, I have completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Bolton. I studied Health and Social Care which was a very interesting degree to study. The course enabled me to develop my skills and knowledge in various ways. I had the opportunity to go on placement and gain a first-hand experience of what it would be like in practice. I was able to choose where I wanted to complete my placement as everyone had their own career paths they wanted to embark on.
I always knew I wanted to become a teacher. Therefore, I was able to complete my placement in Bolton Lads and Girls. Furthermore, the University of Bolton provided an opportunity for me to become a P.A.S.S Leader in my second year of study. Being a P.A.S.S Leader enabled me to boost my confidence in facilitating groups of learners and supporting them in assignments and study skill sessions. Facilitating first-year learners made me discover my passion for helping and teaching students. Correspondently, this made me realise I wanted to do PGCE 14+ as I enjoyed working with young and mature adults. I was able to relate to them more which then led me to apply for my PGCE 14+ with the University of Bolton. I am currently completing my placement with the Health and Social Care department, where teachers believed in me and supported me to get to where I am today. The University as a whole is student-led, as students’ opinions are very important to them to ensure the learning is effective. The support system is fantastic as the lecturers and tutors are always there to provide support.
I chose the University of Bolton because as a mature student I wanted an establishment that would treat me as an individual, not a number. I wanted the opportunity to feel included, not excluded from studying. I have always believed it is never too late to pursue my dream career and neither is it too late to educate and challenge myself to be a better person in future. The tutors within the BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care department made me feel valued and treated me as an individual.
I started from foundation year as a first-time mum and a lone parent. I have pushed myself with all the amazing tutor support, and encouragement, I took on board the feedback from the tutors and it has been worth every challenge faced. Even through the pandemic, the tutor support and other student support services I needed to help ease my journey, not forgetting careers and library services has been ongoing and amazing.
Most importantly my teamworking, presentation research skills together with other vital skills and knowledge acquired along my journey have massively improved. With this BSc health and social care degree, I feel I have one key that can unlock a thousand doors!
I began my university journey with no idea what to expect as a mature student and have been delighted with the resources on offer and consistent support from tutors. Personal tutorials, online resources for academic writing, referencing and research skills and careers advisors have had a particularly positive impact on my future prospects and overall grades.
The Health and Social BSc course encourages self-awareness and personal development which has been great for my confidence and motivated me to reach out to employers to secure placement opportunities. I am looking forward to completing my degree and enrolling for an MA in Social Work at the University of Bolton.
Ever since I enrolled at the University of Bolton for the final year of Health and Social Care, my journey has been very smooth and exciting. From the first day, I received full support from the tutors, especially the Programme Lead, Tracy Corbett, who promptly responded to every query I had about the course, timetable etc. Tracy guided me at every step, making me feel comfortable and helping me to settle in. The lessons have been excellent with ample help and support from all the tutors to complete the assignments, particularly the final dissertation.
The Mybolton App has been a really useful tool to navigate through all the resources and help that are available to the students. Even though this year has been exceptionally challenging and unpredictable due to Covid, the
teachers have been thoroughly professional, adapting to the new environment and giving us their best in a very difficult situation. They have also proved to be very compassionate and understanding of the needs of students. I have also witnessed that the university has been extremely generous with schemes offering financial help and support to students who are struggling, like the laptop loan scheme and others.
Overall, I am happy to say that I made the right decision by enrolling at the University of Bolton and I feel I am in safe hands to do well for my degree. In fact, hearing personal inspirational stories of my tutors, I have been motivated to continue my post-graduation studies in the future.
I was made redundant from a community-based job that I thoroughly enjoyed, trying to find a similar role in the health and care sector was a struggle without having formal qualifications in areas of health care expertise. I really wanted to work in the community and make a difference in people's lives. At that time, a role had been advertised as a Health Improvement Practitioner, I also thought about applying for a degree course in Health and Social care as a progression route, I had two options.
Firstly, I went for the job role and was shortlisted unfortunately I was unsuccessful. However, this made me think more about doing a degree. I went along to an open day, the atmosphere was very welcoming, and the staff were very helpful in providing me with lots of information about the course, I even had an opportunity to speak to the course leader who was helpful, friendly and reassuring. This helped me make up my mind as to what I wanted to do... Starting a Health and Social care degree at the University of Bolton was one of the best decisions I have ever made, I have never looked back. I started my degree in 2018 as a mature student, initially, I had concerns and reservations as to what it will be like to study at a degree level? would I fit in being an older student? and would I be able to work around my family commitments? However, I was pleasantly surprised at how accommodating the University was in terms of my personal needs and requirements and my experience as a student has been extremely positive and empowering.
The course itself offered me a broad spectrum of interesting topics and compelling lectures all highly relevant to the course. I have to say that I have had the most incredible support from all my lecturers not just in terms of guidance and feedback but also in a willingness to help, flexibility, care, support, reassurance and understanding
towards any problems or concerns I have had. In my second year, I co-presented a health promotion event on obesity, a topic that I had a keen interest in from a socio-economic and health concern point of view and perspective.
This opportunity alongside findings in my report helped me to develop greater knowledge and understanding of other factors influencing incidences of obesity. my findings within my report demanded further research, therefore, I decided to develop this knowledge to bring forward a case for my final year dissertation project.
I do feel that my experience in university has definitely helped me to achieve my full potential, enabling me to feel more ready and confident when applying for job roles also when faced with decisions and challenges within the practice.
I applied for the university course as when I went for the opening day I really enjoyed it, I liked the feel of the campus and all lectures were really helpful in giving information about the course I had chosen. The quality of teaching is outstanding, and I feel like I have learnt so much from doing the health and social care degree.
I feel like the course was special for me as it is something I have always been passionate about. I got to do placements with the NHS which was amazing, and I learned so much. I feel like it is a very broad field and there are so many opportunities to go into different careers. The lectures at the university are extremely helpful and take time out to help students. As I struggle academically I always thought I would not be able to complete the degree however the lectures went above and beyond and made me believe in myself to complete the degree. I feel like the lectures have given me more determination to do well with how much they support us as students.
I attended the opening day, I had a really positive experience; everything was explained really well and all staff was helpful in giving out all information needed.
After completing the Health and Social Care degree, I got a job as a health care assistant at the hospital and started further study on the adult nursing programme at the University of Bolton. This course has helped me get the job I have also wanted to do as well as continue to another degree to reach my ultimate goal as a nurse. I am very happy with the University of Bolton and I am so glad I choose to study here as I never thought I would be where I am now.
I love studying at the university as I feel like it has made me believe in myself and has helped me reach my goals I never thought I could. I feel like lectures are really passionate about helping students to do well and because I have learning difficulties they have made me feel so much at ease and encouraged me to continue to reach the end goal, and I am so glad I chose Bolton University.
I applied to the University of Bolton because not only did they do the course I was interested in but it was highly recommended to me by a previous student. I live in Central Manchester and it takes me approximately 15 minutes by train.
The tutors are very helpful and understanding. I can't express the gratitude I have for the tutors and their methods of teaching. They are always on hand to guide and encourage the students. The facilities are fantastic, different places to eat, a chill-out room, computer rooms, and very helpful librarians.
I attended an open day where I found plenty of information.
My short term ambitions are to continue with my studies and then in the long term, I hope to follow my hopes of becoming a manager in a respected organisation working with children who have learning disabilities e.g autism.
I'm very happy that I chose the University of Bolton, I love studying there because there is diversity and no discrimination.
What makes this course special are my peers and the discussions we have. This semester we are studying health promotion, social inclusion and empowerment. I can't actually pinpoint a favourite module, they've all been interesting and all contribute to the health and social care field.
I would recommend this university to anybody, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender etc. It has most certainly given me the confidence to continue with my course when I've felt like giving up. Thanks to all staff members.
I live in Bolton but did not apply to this University solely due to the ease of travelling. The University has been rated top in the UK for student satisfaction, according to the Complete University Guide 2022.
The university looks appealing and I know of prior students who have attended and said the lecturers are really engaging. Having access to the £31 million Bolton One Centre, which is based on-site, is an excellent added additional resource. The course module covers subjects of interest to me, as well as covering many topics and themes around understanding the norms, values and roles in society.
The location of the university is central to the town centre and transport links are excellent. The train and bus stations are only a 5-10 minute walk. There are also plenty of restaurants. a town centre library and plenty of shops within walking distance of the university.
The quality of teaching is exceptional, with lecturers on hand to support by email and in person. They are incredibly knowledgeable in the Health and Social field and make learning interesting and fun. The course is really engaging and delves into subjects on a deeper understanding. You always leave the lesson feeling energised and wanting to learn more.
The facilities are excellent, with plenty of food and drink venues, The campus also has a library that can cater to your every need. You can book out study rooms, use the state-of-the-art computers and have quiet alone time to study in the 24-hour library.
The lecturers are engaging, and extremely knowledgeable and make learning fun and interesting. I have learned so much in the short time I have been a student and it's all thanks to my lecturers. I personally feel like they care about how we progress on the course and have always offered full support where needed. They are quick to answer queries on emails and offer one to ones if needed. I enrolled through past student feedback.
My short-term ambitions are to continue with the foundation course with the hope of transferring to the Social Worker BSc (Hons) degree in September 2022. I am eager to be a Social Worker once I finish university, but if I am unsuccessful in my application, I would continue on the Health and Social Care degree with a view to completing a master’s in social work after I graduate. The careers team have been outstanding at explaining processes to us about moving courses, what academic qualifications we need etc. to pursue our career choices.
The lecturers make learning fun and are so knowledgeable that you want to learn even more. My lecturers, engage with all students and clearly show they want the best outcome for everyone. The range of themes we cover is interesting and leaves you wanting to know more about the subjects.
BSc in Health and Social Care (Foundation). My favourite module, but my only module so far, is the Individual and Society. My fellow students are an amazing group of diverse people with so many different backgrounds. They bring their own views, cultures and experiences to the lecturers which makes lectures even more interesting. This knowledge will help me in the Social Work field when I qualify.
I applied through UCAS and it was a quick and easy straightforward process. UCAS gave me regular updates on my application and I very quickly received an enrolling offer from the University of Bolton. Being a mature student who has not studied for many years, I have settled into university very quickly and feel part of the group. My lecturers have been more supportive than I could have imagined and I am really enjoying learning from them. Their passion for the Health and Social Care field shows in their teaching methods and I am looking forward to what my future holds.
Bolton Lads & Girls Club is a local charity that supports young people in Bolton through a wide range of activities, opportunities and services including our youth clubs, football teams, mentoring service and employability as well as much more.
Bolton Lads & Girls Club has been working closely with the University of Bolton and the Health and Social Care course for many years. Students can volunteer as part of their placement or just to gain more experience. The majority of these students volunteer in one of our three youth clubs, engaging with young people through different activities, building relationships and providing support and guidance. Students gain practical experience, develop their skills and make a real difference to young people.
Bolton Lads & Girls Club enjoys working with students from the Health and Social Care course as we have always found these students to be engaged, compassionate and genuinely interested in supporting our young people. We look forward to continuing to work closely with the department in the future."
Bolton NHS Foundation Trust supports volunteering as this is an opportunity to inspire future generations of volunteers to play their part in shaping innovation and care for the future. Our engagement with the University of Bolton and students provides social action by young people in health and care by supporting the development of new opportunities for volunteering.
This allows students to gain the experience needed for entry into certain Health careers, allowing them to find out about a career that interests them and decide whether or not it's right for them. Volunteering in local communities provides many benefits for students and their development. This includes building a sense of community and developing a range of skills such as team working, interpersonal skills, and problem-solving, all of which are crucial for their success in higher education and the workplace. It is recognised that volunteers we have are not only an essential resource in helping us to achieve our goals but that by providing opportunities for and supporting volunteering, it also helps to promote active citizenship and social inclusion together with future employment prospects.
An example of feedback for a previous student volunteering with us:
"The volunteer-supported staff on our Colorectal (E3) ward in helping to provide the care of patients by making and serving drinks, talking to patients and engaging with them in a centred manner.
Understands the importance of basic food hygiene and infection controls. The volunteer also helps provide social/ emotional support to patients and families."
Information about volunteering with us is available on our Bolton NHS Website (link below) http://www.boltonft.nhs.uk/work-with-us/volunteer-with-us/