The Current Cost-of-Living Crisis – Why Clearing May Be an Option for You


The Current Cost-of-Living Crisis – Why Clearing May Be an Option for You

As many of us are aware, the country is currently going through a cost-of-living crisis. This is affecting millions of people’s lives and leading people to make decisions they shouldn’t have to. And this might include thinking short-term rather than long-term about their future. Today we are going to discuss how it is affecting a certain demographic that we tend to focus on the most, students.  

There are many ways in which the inflation in prices has managed to embed fear into students' heads and steer them away from further education. Instead of students thinking about how they want to get a degree and chase their dream career, these thoughts have been replaced with thinking about how they can survive each month and, in some circumstances, also support their households. 

We understand this can be terrifying to students, which is why we want to stress the importance of not ruling out university. There are many ways in which we can support you throughout your learning journey. Below, we have listed some of the possible reasons you may have taken university off your list, and hopefully, by the end, you may reconsider your decision! 

You simply cannot afford it 

This is the number one reason students decide that they can’t go to university, however, this is not necessarily valid. What many students fail to understand is that all students can receive financial support when successfully applying to uni. This can come in forms such as: 

- Student Finance – students will receive a tuition loan which pays however much their university fees are (maximum £9,250) as well as a maintenance loan which depends on different factors. To find out how much you could be given, click here 

- Scholarships 

- Bursaries 

- Grants 

- Support from your university 

And don’t worry about how you will pay off the loan right now. You will only have to start paying once you start earning over a certain amount. And, even when you do reach that point, it will be in small amounts taken from your salary before taxes, for more information follow the link here. 

You contribute at home 

If you are currently in a position where you financially support your household, leaving to study at university may not even seem like an option. However, this shouldn’t stop you from applying. There are chances for you to take up study, such as: 

- Studying close to your hometown/city – even if you decide to study near home, you are still eligible for student finance and can also continue any part-time work you might currently be in 

- Choosing a part-time degree - this allows you to have more availability to work. To see the part-time courses we provide, follow here 

This also may make you eligible for other support methods in place. To find out more, contact us at or call 01204 900600. 

You are scared you won’t find work at uni 

Many students are comfortable with the fact that they are in a reliable position with their current job, whether it is part-time or full-time. Or maybe there is an opportunity for you to grow in your current job meaning you will be earning more if you decide to stay. This can persuade people to stay within a job that isn’t focused on the career they would like to do but instead, just provides a living.  

It is important to think long-term. You may not be able to earn as much while working part-time and studying, however, in the long-run graduates earn over £100k more than non-graduates in their lifetime; check the facts 

If the fear of going to university and not being able to find work scares you, let us put your mind at ease. At the University of Bolton, we provide students with a service called the Student Hub, whereby you can find part-time work and placements with our support. This means you’re not alone while on the hunt for work. We also have career advisors who can help you build your CV, apply for job vacancies and develop more employability skills. To learn more about the support we offer, follow the link here. 

The main point we are trying to get across is that you should not let the financial side of university scare you away. If this has led you to have Clearing as your only option, then you’re still on track to having a successful future! Find out more about Clearing 2023 at the University of Bolton by clicking here. We hope we have managed to show you that you will never be alone and left without support, because with #UniAsItShouldBe… we put students first! 

For any further information, contact us at or call us on 01204 900600. We are always happy to help. 

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