PGCE M 14+ Dance - Postgraduate Level at Shockout Arts

PGCE M 14+ Dance - Postgraduate Level at Shockout Arts



Start Date

To be confirmed


24 months




Shockout Arts

Our master's level Post Graduate Certificate in Education supports students and professionals to acquire and cultivate the essential skills to progress into or further their teaching career and practice. Within this programme, you'll develop the necessary pedagogical knowledge surrounding the theory and practice of teaching dance alongside refining your creative identity as a teacher, equipping you fully to safely deliver and assess dance to the highest standards.

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Course Overview

If you're already qualified and experienced in the dance industry, then this course delivered by Shockout Arts offers you the skills and knowledge needed to teach dance to people aged 14 and above in this demanding and ever-evolving sector. This PGCE (M) course is 120 credits at master's level (HE7), demonstrating your ability to work independently at a high level in the field of education. 90 credits at HE7 can be transferred to a full master's award, depending on the specialist master's pathway.

Teaching staff at Shockout Arts are professional practitioners, choreographers and dance industry specialists who are keen to make your time with them as stimulating and rewarding as possible and enjoy a well-deserved reputation for being approachable and interested in your progress.

Through a combination of traditional study and work-based learning, you'll explore the key theories and techniques of teaching, learning and assessment. We'll support you as you discover how to apply them in practice, how you can mould them to the teaching of dance and how they link to current research in education and dance education.

We'll guide you as you learn to plan lessons, deliver classes, assess your students and provide constructive feedback. Our expert specialist and supportive tutors will work to help you become a skilled, engaging and inclusive teacher with high standards of professionalism.

This course is suitable for pre-service Initial Teacher Education (ITE) trainee teachers – so you don't need prior teaching experience or current employment in education. If you're a new in-service trainee teacher employed in the further education sector, you can apply for this course as part of your continuous professional development (CPD).

For full details about Shockout Arts, their open days and accommodation, please visit


Key Features

Entry Requirements

Where changes are made to material information contained in this course description or a decision is taken to suspend a course between the offer of admissions and enrolment, we will inform applicants at the earliest possible opportunity and will outline the various options available to the applicant.

Career Opportunities

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) M 14+ (Dance) is a teacher education course for graduates who wish to teach dance in the Further Education and Skills sector of education; for example, in adult and community education, further education, sixth form colleges, the prison and probation services, pre-employment training and work-based learning.

This sector offers opportunities to work with further education learners who range in age from 14 years old to adult. These students come from different backgrounds and experiences and may enter further education from local schools, the community, industry or local businesses.

This course emphasises the teaching of dance and performance-related subjects. It's designed to help you integrate your specialist subject knowledge with educational theory and practice, supporting you to become an effective and creative specialist teacher.

What can I do with this qualification?

In addition to working in FE colleges, sixth-form colleges and schools, there are significant opportunities to work in a range of other educational sectors. The work-based learning sector ensures people are ready for work and have the latest skills. It includes working with apprentices, young people who are not yet 'job ready', and employed adults who need to update their skills. Job opportunities in this sector are often with training providers in the private sector, but they can also be within the work-based learning units in colleges.

The adult and community learning sector delivers a range of community-based courses, including practical and creative, basic skills, language and computer courses. The justice sector involves working in prisons and youth offender institutions, teaching basic skills. Some offender institutions offer vocational preparation courses. Much of this work is subcontracted to local FE colleges, who then provide relevant staff.

Alternative career options

PGCE M 14+ holders can also use the qualification as a stepping-stone into a range of other careers. Some of these roles may require relevant experience and/or further postgraduate study. Possible careers include:

  • Higher education
  • Education officer
  • Mentoring
  • Family liaison
  • Educational psychology
  • Education administration
  • Student services advice
  • Student liaison
  • Educational writing and journalism
  • Examinations
  • Counselling
  • Careers guidance
  • Training
  • Quality standards
  • Museum education
  • Arts administration
Professional Recognition

The University of Bolton's Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) M 14+ programme meets the requirements of the FE-specific Diploma in Teaching (DiT) in the Further Education and Skills sector. All new FE and Skills teachers must complete a teacher education qualification as the first step in obtaining QTLS (Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills).

If you are keen to pursue QTLS, please ensure you read the Society for Education and Training’s QTLS eligibility guidance before commencing this ITE programme. We especially draw your attention to the information about which English and mathematics qualifications are acceptable.

Please note, this course does not lead to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) to teach in schools. However, QTLS does legally have equivalence to QTS and is recognised by some head teachers in schools.

Fees & Funding

Home/EU Fees

No fee information is currently available, please contact the University of Bolton’s Academic Fees team by emailing for more information.

International Fees

No fee information is currently available, please contact the University of Bolton’s Academic Fees team by emailing for more information.


Click here for more information about the scholarships and bursaries available to University of Bolton students.

Important note regarding tuition fees: EU nationals who meet residency requirements (have settled or pre-settled status) may be eligible for 'Home' fee status. If you do not meet these residency requirements, overseas fees will apply. Irish citizens living in the UK or Ireland will be eligible for 'Home' fee status under the Common Travel Area arrangement. Please read the student finance for EU students web page on for information.

The fees for a student's course of study will be set for the normal duration of that course subject only to inflationary increases – measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded in March each year to take effect for subsequent start dates.

How to apply

Home Applicants

Course application details are unavailable at present

International Applicants

Course application details are unavailable at present

Partner Organisation Applicants

Course application details are unavailable at present

Teaching & Assessment

We take a blended approach to teaching and learning, using a combination of face-to-face sessions, work-based learning and electronic resources and communications. You can expect timetabled classes and lectures, along with workshops, small group and individual practical activities, and structured exercises and discussions. Individual support will be given in tutorials. We'll encourage you to participate in online discussions with your peers and tutors, make full use of ICT as a source of information and support, and maintain a digital portfolio of evidence.

You'll have the opportunity to seek a placement with a provider that matches your specialist subject, in a situation that meets the requirements for becoming a qualified teacher in the FE and Skills sector. Placements may involve daytime or evening teaching, or both.

During your placements, your teaching practice will be assessed according to Ofsted guidelines and documented through session planning, observation reports and reflective journals. You'll receive informal feedback on your performance, to help you assess your progress and improve your practice, as well as formal assessment that will contribute to your overall grade for the course.

Additional formal assessment will be based on coursework. We'll expect you to produce written work that demonstrates your understanding and ability to apply the course content. You'll also receive informal peer and tutor feedback on individual and group activities. Your tutor will guide you towards areas of appropriate research and background reading that will help you to complete your coursework.

To be awarded your PGCE M 14+ qualification, you'll need to demonstrate that you've met all the learning outcomes for the course. Our highly experienced and dedicated staff will guide and support you in this, but a significant amount of personal and independent study is essential, and you'll need to take responsibility for managing your own learning.


The modules listed below may be a mixture of compulsory and optional. You may not have the opportunity to study all the modules shown as part of the course.

  • Preparation for Teaching and Learning (PTL)
  • Subject Specialist Teaching Part 1
  • Curriculum Innovation and Assessment
  • Subject Specialist Teaching Part 2

Assessment methods

Level Assessment method
Level 1 Coursework 100%

Learning Activities

Level Activity
Level 1 Guided independent study 80%
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 20%

The university will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver your course as described in its published material and the programme specification for the academic year in which you begin your course. The university considers changes to courses very carefully and the university will minimise any changes. Please be aware that our courses are subject to review on an ongoing basis and changes may be necessary due to legitimate staffing, financial, regulatory and academic reasons. The content of course modules and mode of associated assessments may be updated on an annual basis. This is to ensure that all modules are up-to-date and responsive to employment and sector needs. The published course material and the programme specification contain indicative ‘optional modules’ that may be subject to change due to circumstances outside of our control. For this reason, we cannot guarantee to run any specific optional module.

Programme Contacts

Help Centre

We have the answers to your questions, find all the advice and support in one place.

Part of the University of Bolton Group

Bolton college
Alliance learning
Anderton centre2
QQA Scheme Participant

Help Centre

We have the answers to your questions, find all the advice and support in one place.

Part of the University of Bolton Group

Bolton college
Alliance learning
Anderton centre2
QQA Scheme Participant