University of Bolton, Deane Road, Bolton. BL3 5AB
“At the University of Bolton, we take great pride in providing a quality, supportive learning environment for our students.”
Professor George E Holmes DL | President & Vice Chancellor
“...tutors are very supportive and you’re not just a student ID number, at this university you are an individual with a name.”
Ellisse Vernon | BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
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University of Bolton, why we are the right choice
Location - Bolton, Greater Manchester
As a large college in London baosting over 13,000 students and delivering more than 20 subjects across 3 main campuses, joining the Barnet and Southgate community is a vibrant opportunity to become more prepared for the workplace or further study as a University of Bolton graduate. The diverse learning environments offer unparalleled opportunities to meet a broad range of individuals and learn from a community which celebrates individuality using state-of-the-art facilities and environments.
Barnet and Southgate are proud of their flexible and distinctive courses, franchised by the University of Bolton. The curriculum teams work hand in hand with University of Bolton experts and sector employers to ensure lectures, seminars and assessments are relevant to the contemporary field of study and current industry and sector practice including a range of live-action projects and authentic learning experiences.
Barnet and Southgate are a confident and successful partner of the University of Bolton and consistently produce confident, competent and highly skilled graduates who have historically “received outstanding achievement awards” from partners.
With employability and relevance at the core of provision, you can be confident in Barnet and Southgate’s ability to deliver a high-quality curriculum and a standard of excellence comparable to that of University of Bolton On Campus provision.
BSc (Hons) Business Management (Final Year Top Up)
BSc (Hons) Computing (Final Year Top Up)
BSc (Hons) Business Management
Chartered Manager Degree Higher Apprenticeship (CMDA)