New Master’s degree in sports medicine launched at University of Greater Manchester


New Master’s degree in sports medicine launched at University of Greater Manchester

An award-winning lecturer at the University of Greater Manchester has developed a new Master’s programme in sports medicine.

Jess Law, Senior Lecturer – Sport Rehabilitation, School of Health, Science and Society, says the course is “ideal for students who want to go into public health, NHS, musculoskeletal private practice, elite sport, disability sport or PhD studies”.

Jess, who was highly commended in the Bolton Health and Wellbeing Awards 2024 in the Female Clinician of the Year Award, said: “I felt there was a gap missing for students.

“There was nothing for sports medicine at the post-grad level. Now, we have a Master's degree that combines musculoskeletal medicine and sports sciences in one degree.

“It is primarily focused on the prevention, management and performance elements of MSK injuries and managing long-term conditions, providing more options.”

Jess joined the University as Associate Lecturer in 2015, after working in a private physiotherapy practice.

She has also been keen to incorporate local charities, with local initiatives into the Physical Activity for Health and Disease module, part of the BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation programme to showcase what was happening in our local community.

The module was introduced to our BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation curriculum last year.

She said: “This has led to student placements with charities in the community.

“The experience is invaluable for the students and really showcases the benefits of physical activity for health and disease. We have had charities on campus to help with the delivery of the content and they are now taking students on placement in the community. This helps students build their CVs with practical exposure.”

Jess said it was a great surprise to be nominated for the Bolton Health and Wellbeing Awards, from the SPARC Clinic, the teaching clinic within the University of Greater Manchester.

“The award validates what I’ve been doing in the last year-and-a-half with student placements, “ she said.

“I’m very passionate about giving students opportunities to get exposure to different populations like disability sports, veterans, and the older population at AgeUK Bolton.”

To apply for the Master’s programme, visit:,health%20promotion%2C%20and%20the%20NHS.

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