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Location - Bolton, Greater Manchester
A play created from transcripts of conversations with survivors of domestic abuse at Bolton Women’s Refuge, Fortalice, will be performed at the Kings Arms in Salford from 19-23 March.
Professor David Thacker, Professor of Theatre and Film at the University and former Artistic Director of the Octagon Theatre Bolton, has written and directed ‘That Can’t Have Happened!’.
The five women have been supported at Bolton-based Fortalice, and all have agreed that their words should be used exactly as transcribed and edited by David. They will be played by Vicky Binns, Isabel Ford, Bel Odawa, Eve Steele and Flo Wilson.
The production has been sponsored by the University of Greater Manchester.
Fortalice provides frontline services in the community for all victims of domestic abuse, including refuge for women and children.
Its Chief Executive, Gill Smallwood MBE, accepted David’s proposal that he should create a play from verbatim transcripts of conversations with Fortalice residents, or survivors of domestic abuse who had been residents. He met five women, and he recorded the conversations which lasted about 45 minutes each. He then edited and restructured the material to ensure a coherent narrative development, all the time collaborating with the women and Gill.
David said: “I am astonished by the generosity and courage of the five extraordinary women who have trusted me to help their voices be heard. They have been an inspiration to me and to the actors who have committed themselves to expressing their pain, fear, love and hope.”
David has teamed up once again with Lisa Connor to direct, following the success of American Buffalo and Faith Healer at the Kings Arms.
Lisa said: “I’m thrilled to welcome David back to The Kings Arms and to continue our collaboration as we try to produce high quality theatre on a shoestring.
“We are extremely grateful to the University of Greater Manchester for demonstrating their commitment to Fortalice by enabling us to engage a cast of five outstanding actors for this important production.”
Chief Executive of Fortalice, Dr Gill Smallwood MBE, said: “Domestic abuse is always difficult to talk about, but, due to the bravery of five women sharing their story, the play gives us an opportunity to hear the reality of how domestic abuse can affect victims and survivors.
“I would like to thank the University of Greater Manchester for sponsoring the play, David for his empathic and understanding approach and wonderful talent in creating and directing the play, Lisa for providing the venue and producing the play and the wonderful actors for their talent in bringing the play to life.”
Professor George E Holmes DL, President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Greater Manchester, said: “Fortalice is an extraordinary organisation which the University has supported for many years. The University is committed to supporting David’s production, and Fortalice in any way it can.”
There will be one ‘women only’ performance to reach out to women who might otherwise be reluctant to attend.
To book tickets for ‘That Can’t Have Happened’, please visit: The Kings Arms | Events