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University of Bolton Institutional Repository (UBIR)

An institutional repository aims to capture, store and preserve the intellectual output of a university and make it available for free on the internet. This typically includes journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters and reports, but this is by no means an exhaustive list. Copyright restrictions can mean that it is not possible to include the publisher’s version of a piece of research. However, many publishers will allow the archiving of non-publisher formatted versions of research (known as the pre-print in some cases) in repositories. In all cases, the repository includes the bibliographic details of the research so readers are able to establish the publication in which the research has been published. The University of Bolton’s Institutional Repository is called UBIR and is available here.

Depositing Work

Depositing work in an institutional repository does not preclude making research available via more traditional routes. Rather, it provides an additional means of enabling access to research and, moreover, increases the discoverability of the research, as repositories are indexed by search engines such as Google and Google Scholar. UBIR accepts all intellectual output of the university and includes selected PhD theses as well as journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, poster presentations, photographs and reports. Email any version of your paper you may have along with full bibliographic details to and we will do the rest.

REF 2021

If you are planning to submit research for REF 2021, then you need to take note of the following taken from the HEFCE policy on open access, “To be eligible for submission to the post-2014 REF, authors’ final peer-reviewed manuscripts must have been deposited in an institutional or subject repository on acceptance for publication”. This policy comes into force on 1st April 2016 and applies to journal articles and conference papers only. Between 1st April 2016 and 1st April 2017, you will have three months following acceptance of publication to ensure your research is uploaded to a repository. This three month grace period will be reviewed in 2016. You can comply with this requirement by having your work deposited in UBIR, the University of Bolton Institutional repository.

ORCID ID For Researchers

ORCID is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars that is open, non-proprietary, transparent, mobile, and community-based. ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other contributor and supports automated linkages among all your professional activities.

Learn more about setting up your ORCID iD.

How To Import Your Publications From UBIR Into Your ORCID Profile

An ORCID is an identifying number unique to each researcher. Registering for an ORCID means that your research outputs are easily connected and identified to you. Over 6.5 million researchers now have an ORCID. If you have publications on the University’s repository, UBIR, you can import them into your ORCID profile. This guide provides instructions as to how to import your publications from UBIR into your ORCID profile.

Quick start guide – ORCID – Importing works from UBIR


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