AdvDip(CPD) Paediatric Community Nursing (HE7)

AdvDip(CPD) Paediatric Community Nursing (HE7)



Start Date

To be confirmed


14 weeks




University of Bolton

Are you a Registered Nurse or health care professional working in community care with a desire to improve community public health for children, young people and families? This short course focuses on developing your leadership and communication skills, alongside your understanding of public health and safeguarding theories and legislation.

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Course Overview

This stand-alone advanced professional development course offered by the University of Bolton aims to build on your pre-existing knowledge of paediatric community nursing. We’ll support you to develop professional skills, confidence and knowledge, preparing you to take on a vital leadership role in community public health for children, young people, and families to create the best start in life for all children.

Our dedicated team will guide you as you explore the foundations of public health relating to the role of a community nurse and evidence-based practice. We’ll help you develop your understanding of the principles of safeguarding children, young people and families, and consider the legislation, legal and ethical issues pertinent to community public health nursing. We’ll guide you as you develop leadership and communication skills to effectively advocate for families across the multidisciplinary team. We’ll also support you to build the skills needed for collaborative, holistic assessment of family dynamics and multi-professional working.


Key Features

Entry Requirements

Where changes are made to material information contained in this course description or a decision is taken to suspend a course between the offer of admissions and enrolment, we will inform applicants at the earliest possible opportunity and will outline the various options available to the applicant.

Career Opportunities

This course offers academic progression in the specialist field of paediatric community nursing.

Fees & Funding

Home/EU Fees

No fee information is currently available, please contact the University of Bolton’s Academic Fees team by emailing for more information.

International Fees

No fee information is currently available, please contact the University of Bolton’s Academic Fees team by emailing for more information.


Click here for more information about the scholarships and bursaries available to University of Bolton students.

Important note regarding tuition fees: EU nationals who meet residency requirements (have settled or pre-settled status) may be eligible for 'Home' fee status. If you do not meet these residency requirements, overseas fees will apply. Irish citizens living in the UK or Ireland will be eligible for 'Home' fee status under the Common Travel Area arrangement. Please read the student finance for EU students web page on for information.

The fees for a student's course of study will be set for the normal duration of that course subject only to inflationary increases – measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded in March each year to take effect for subsequent start dates.

How to apply

Home Applicants

Course application details are unavailable at present

International Applicants

Course application details are unavailable at present

Partner Organisation Applicants

Course application details are unavailable at present

Teaching & Assessment

This advanced professional development course adopts a blended learning approach to develop your enquiry skills within the context of patient care. Lectures involve a mixture of theory and case-based discussions. This approach allows you to consider current research evidence and use this to inform your clinical decision-making and communication skills.

As well as attending lectures and tutorials, we’ll expect you to undertake self-directed study and build on the knowledge you’ve gained in the theory sessions. A range of relevant web-based resources will be available via Moodle, the University’s virtual learning environment, to support you to complete this work at a time and place that is convenient to you. These activities will ensure you fully develop the underpinning knowledge required to complete the course.

Formative assessment will support your learning but does not contribute to your final mark. You’ll receive feedback from your tutors and peers that allows you to reflect on your progress and identify what you are doing well and where you may need extra help. Summative assessment tests your achievement of the intended learning outcomes for the course and determines your final mark. For this course, it will involve a written essay based on a given scenario. Before submitting your essay, you’ll have the opportunity to submit written draft work for feedback with tutorial time to discuss aspects of your case.


The modules listed below may be a mixture of compulsory and optional. You may not have the opportunity to study all the modules shown as part of the course.

  • Paediatric Community Nursing

Assessment methods

Level Assessment method
Level 1 Coursework 100%

Learning Activities

Level Activity
Level 1 Guided independent study 76%
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 24%

The university will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver your course as described in its published material and the programme specification for the academic year in which you begin your course. The university considers changes to courses very carefully and the university will minimise any changes. Please be aware that our courses are subject to review on an ongoing basis and changes may be necessary due to legitimate staffing, financial, regulatory and academic reasons. The content of course modules and mode of associated assessments may be updated on an annual basis. This is to ensure that all modules are up-to-date and responsive to employment and sector needs. The published course material and the programme specification contain indicative ‘optional modules’ that may be subject to change due to circumstances outside of our control. For this reason, we cannot guarantee to run any specific optional module.

Programme Contacts

Help Centre

We have the answers to your questions, find all the advice and support in one place.

Part of the University of Bolton Group

Bolton college
Alliance learning
Anderton centre2
QQA Scheme Participant

Help Centre

We have the answers to your questions, find all the advice and support in one place.

Part of the University of Bolton Group

Bolton college
Alliance learning
Anderton centre2
QQA Scheme Participant