Research Documents

Candidates’ & Supervisors’ Proformas

Application Form for Admission to the University of Bolton as a Research Student

To access the yellow Form portal, please click this link

Ethics Form Identification Tool (EFIT)

Form R1 Application to Register for a Research Degree (Mandatory Submission 5)

Form R1 (PD) Application to Register for a Professional Doctorate Award

Form R1 (PW) Prospective Application to Register for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Published Work (Mandatory Submission 5)

Form R1 (PW) Retrospective Application to Register for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Published Work (Mandatory Submission 5)

Form R1 (Prac) Prospective Application to Register for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Practice (Mandatory Submission 5)

Form R1 (Prac) Retrospective Application to Register for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Practice (Mandatory Submission 5)

Details of Proposed Supervisor (to be submitted in Support of Forms R1)

Form R2 Application for Transfer from MPhil to PhD/Mid-Programme Assessment for PhD Direct Candidates

Form R3 Application for Extension/Suspension of Period of Registration

Form R4 Application for change in approved arrangements for supervision

R5 Application for Approval of Examination Arrangements

Form R6 Application for Change in Approved Mode of Study

Form R7 Notification of Withdrawal

Form R8 Confirmation of the originality of a final thesis

Form R9 Request to alter the title of research programme of study

Change of Research Form

R10 Candidates Declaration Form

Form R11 Application for Notification of Writing Up

Form R12 Requesting Confidentiality of the Thesis

Professor & Reader Titles

Criteria, procedures and application forms for professor and reader titles.

Criteria and Procedures for the Awards of the Titles of ‘Professor’ and ‘Reader’ (Including, Teacher Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, Assistant Teaching Professor, Fellow, Emeritus, Honorary and miscellaneous Visiting Titles.)

Emeritus/Honorary Application

Professorial/Reader Application (for use by current staff)

Teaching Professor Application (for use by current staff)

Visiting Academic Staff Proposal Form

Research Degree Examination Proformas

NOTE – Examiners are strongly requested to text process their reports where feasible.

Research External Examiner Claim Form (fees and expenses)

Confirmation of a Candidate’s Fulfilment of the Conditions Arising from a Research Degree Oral Examination (Form E3)

Preliminary Report and Recommendation of an Examiner on a Candidate for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (E-MPHIL.1)

Recommendation of the Examiners on a Candidate for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (E-MPHIL.2) 

Preliminary Report and Recommendation of an Examiner on the Re-examination of a Candidate for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (E-MPHIL.3)

Recommendation of the Examiners on the Re-examination of a Candidate for the Degree of Master of Philosophy (E-MPHIL.4)

Preliminary Report and Recommendation of an Examiner on a Candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (E-PHD.1)

Recommendation of the Examiners on a Candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (E-PHD.2)

Preliminary Report and Recommendation of an Examiner on the Re-examination of a Candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (E-PHD.3)

Recommendation of the Examiners on the Re-examination of a Candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (E-PHD.4)

Research Degree Oral Examination – Report of the Independent Chair

Regulatory Framework

PGR Regulations May 2024

Code of Practice for Research Students and Supervisors

General Terms and Conditions of Research Studentships funded by the University of Bolton

Guide to Good Practice in Research

ATAS Example Research Proposals

Guidance and Procedures for the Preparation, Submission and Consideration of Research Proposals using Forms R1

Procedures and Notes for Guidance on the submission and consideration of the R2 Progress Report

Oral Examination of Research Degree Candidates (Guidance Notes)

Guidelines on Supervision and Co-authorship in the PhD by Published Work

Code of Policy and Procedures for Investigating and Resolving Allegations of Misconduct in Research

Support in Statistical Analysis and SPSS for Research Students

PGR Research Student Attendance and Progress Monitoring: follow this link here to access the online attendance form


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