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University of Bolton lecturer launches SHE – a unique support group for women


University of Bolton lecturer launches SHE – a unique support group for women

A University of Bolton lecturer has launched a unique support group for women.

Laura O'Brien says that SHE: Support Her Empowerment Community Interest Company is aimed at combating poor mental health in women and promoting self-care.

Laura, who teaches BSc (Hons) Mental Health, Wellbeing and Counselling in the School of Psychology, said: “Over the past few years, this kind of support group has thankfully become very popular aimed specifically at men to help them tackle tough emotional and mental health challenges.

“I felt passionately that it was time to address the lack of such an important group for women, who are statistically more likely to experience anxiety, depression, self-harm and PTSD.”

Laura added: “I know from my own experience that it is a tremendous help to be able to talk to others in a safe, welcoming and friendly space where everyone wants to support each other.

“SHE will offer that for the local community alongside activities and enrichment to promote positive mental health in times of such challenge.”

SHE: Support Her Empowerment Community Interest Company is inviting all women in the local area to attend the launch on 7 March to find out more about the service.

The first Wellbeing walk will be held on 9 March at Rivington, and the first Peer to Peer support group will meet every Thursday from 14 March, at Bolton Arena, which is sponsored by the University of Bolton, from 7-9pm. No bookings are necessary, and all women are welcome.

For more information, visit: or email

You can also find out more on Facebook: SHE: Support-Her-Empowerment

Book your FREE tickets to the Launch night

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